This collection of guidance sheets is designed to help health professionals provide remote care and support parents to overcome challenges.
These guidance sheets are intended to support health professionals to provide remote care and cover the following topics:
- 1. Planning a virtual conversation
- 2. Antenatal conversations
- 3. Postnatal conversations
- 4. Supporting parents with a baby on the neonatal unit
The collection also includes a selection of sheets on supporting parents to overcome the following challenges:
- 5a. Engorgement and mastitis
- 5b. Sore, cracked and bleeding nipples
- 5c. Concerns about milk supply
- 5d. Concerns about weight
- 5e. Baby sleepy/not interested in feeding
- 5f. Tongue-tie
Guidance is also provided on planning in-house Baby Friendly training:
- 6. Planning in-house Baby Friendly training
Guidance sheets on planning conversations:
Guidance sheets on supporting parents to overcome challenges:
5f. Tongue-tie
(306 kB )
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Guidance sheet on planning in-house Baby Friendly training:
For additional guidance and resources for health professionals during the pandemic, see our coronavirus (Covid-19) page.