Tips for individual practitioners

This may be the first time you are engaging with children and young people online, and it can be very easy to unintentionally blur the boundaries between your personal and professional digital presence.

Here are some quick tips:

  • Never share personal contact information. For example, only use work mobiles and social media accounts linked to your professional organisation.
  • Be mindful that when using multiple accounts online, they can connect. Log out of personal accounts and set up accounts with work contact details.
  • Do not accept friend requests on personal accounts from children and young people you are engaging with in a professional setting. Consider the privacy setting on any personal accounts you have to reduce the likelihood of this happening.
  • Consider what to do if a young person finds your personal online accounts. Be transparent with children and young people that the friend request will not be accepted and inform your line manager of any contact. Do not send private messages to children from your personal account.
  • Treat others respectfully. Do not share information or images of other people and their work without their explicit consent. It might be the case that sharing information about someone’s life or engagement places them at risk. For example, you might work with colleagues who have previously fled domestic violence and do not wish to have their organisation or role publicised. Make no assumptions.