On 25 February 2022 in Kyiv, Ukraine, a girl looks at the crater left by an explosion in front of an apartment building which was heavily damaged during escalating conflict.
On 25 February 2022 in Kyiv, Ukraine, a girl looks at the crater left by an explosion in front of an apartment building which was heavily damaged during escalating conflict.

AXA Investment Managers is
supporting UNICEF UK to protect
children in Ukraine

Donation types. Monthly or Single
Donation amounts, monthly.
Donation amounts, single.
Emergency shelter kit

£27 could provide an emergency shelter for one family, helping to protect children and keep them warm and safe.

Child studying in school

£15 could help provide exercise books for a class of 50 children to help them continue their education in times of crisis.

Water purification tablets

£5 could help provide 1,785 water purification tablets.

Daryna, thirteen, in a school in Ukraine.

£80 could help pay for school supplies to help at least 20 children continue their education in an emergency.

£46 could help provide a family with an emergency water and hygiene kit.

Large first aid kit.

£32 could help pay for a large first aid kit for a health worker.

Sorry, we can only process donations of £1 and above due to admin costs.

Sorry, the maximum value for setting up a monthly gift online is £1000. If you’d like to make a larger monthly gift please reach out to our Supporter Care team who will be able to assist you.

If you’re trying to make a one-off donation, please click on the “Single” button above.

Conflict is escalating in Ukraine, putting millions of children and their families in immediate danger.  

The whole child population of Ukraine, 7.5 million children, are now at risk as the conflict continues to escalate. With explosions in major cities across the country and thousands of families being forced to flee their homes, UNICEF is calling for an immediate ceasefire.

Hundreds of thousands of children in Ukraine have already been affected as the conflict in the east of the country enters its eighth year. As the conflict escalates, many more children are at risk, and thousands of families have been forced to flee for safety. Homes, schools, water supplies and hospitals have been damaged. Explosives including landmines are a daily threat to children’s lives.

UNICEF is especially concerned for the safety and wellbeing of children who have become separated from their families.

We are working round the clock to keep families safe.

Please donate to help protect children in Ukraine. 

How UNICEF is helping children in Ukraine

We have been working tirelessly to keep children safe since this conflict began eight years ago and we are determined to remain in Ukraine to reach the most vulnerable children and families.

  • We are helping to provide families with access to clean water and healthy food.
  • We are delivering lifesaving supplies to support families who have been forced to flee and are working closely with local health facilities to ensure they have the vital supplies needed.
  • We are helping to make sure that child protection services continue.
  • We are working with our partners and the UNHCR to assess the refugee situation across neighbouring countries.
  • In neighbouring countries we are delivering Blue Dot safe spaces with our partners, which will provide care and support, information to families seeking refuge, psychosocial support, water and sanitation supplies, safe spaces for mothers and children, protection for unaccompanied and separated children and more.

Donating by phone

If you’re in the UK and would prefer to make a donation by phone, you can call our dedicated donation line: 0300 330 5699.

You can help us reach more children affected by the crisis. Please donate today and help us protect children in Ukraine.

For the first 12 months, monthly donations made to this appeal will go towards funding UNICEF’s work to support children in Ukraine. After that donations will go to our Children’s Emergency Fund, to save and protect children in emergencies around the world. In the unlikely event that the funds raised exceed UNICEF’s funding requirements for this appeal, your one off or monthly gift will also go to our Children’s Emergency Fund.


Donating Items and Volunteering

We’re currently not accepting any items for the emergency appeal. These kind offers are really appreciated, but any donated items will need to be sorted, cleaned and transported which could impact our response, so please consider making a monetary donation instead to our emergency appeals.

We’re not currently sending any volunteers to Ukraine.

The best way you can help support our emergency work in Ukraine is to donate money to the appeal. Please give what you can, your donations will help us to protect children in Ukraine.

Find out more about our work in Ukraine

How to talk to children about war and conflict

Read more