Join UNICEF NextGen UK

Become a member today

Donation types. Monthly or Single
Donation amounts, monthly.

£20 a month is enough to help vaccinate over 110 children against deadly and devastating diseases, with life-long protection.

£30 a month could provide exercise books to keep over 400 children learning in spite of crisis or conflict, improving their chances at a brighter future.

Animata and her newborn

£45 a month could provide a malnourished child with a full course of treatment, bringing them back to health and helping them to reach their full potential.

Sorry, we can only process donations of £1 and above due to admin costs.

Sorry, the maximum value for setting up a monthly gift online is £1000. If you’d like to make a larger monthly gift please reach out to our Supporter Care team who will be able to assist you.

If you’re trying to make a one-off donation, please click on the “Single” button above.

Help change more children’s lives

Join UNICEF Next Generation (NextGen), a global movement of emerging leaders and change-makers who are committed to helping transform the lives of the world’s most vulnerable children.

Become a member today by setting up a monthly donation of +£20 in support of UNICEF’s Children’s Emergency Fund. Your donation will help us reach children facing conflicts and crises around the world.

When you become a member, you’ll:

  • Get exclusive updates and learn about the impact of urgent world events on children
  • Connect with other members and UNICEF staff through special events, panels and webinars
  • Be empowered to activate your networks in support of UNICEF’s work for children

Need more info? Learn more about UNICEF NextGen UK.

Each year UNICEF responds to around 300 emergencies. Not all of them make the news and many of them are quickly forgotten by the media – but all of them impact the lives of children.

The UNICEF Children’s Emergency Fund is a vital resource that allows UNICEF to respond immediately to the urgent needs of children – wherever and whenever conflict or disaster strikes.

Support provided through the Fund can make the difference between life and death. It allows UNICEF to bring about a sense of stability in the lives of children caught up in emergency situations.

By supporting the UNICEF Children’s Emergency Fund you are providing a lifeline for some of the world’s most at risk children.

UNICEF works to build a better world for every child, every day, everywhere. We provide more children with clean water, life-saving food and vaccines, education, and protection from violence than any other humanitarian organisation. With your help, we can achieve even more.

UNICEF receives no money from the UN budget, so we rely entirely on charitable donations like yours to fund our vital work to protect children, transform their lives and build a safer world for tomorrow’s children.

With humanitarian and development programmes in more than 150 countries, UNICEF’s global reach is far beyond that of any other children’s charity. Our skilled field staff specialise in areas like health, nutrition and protecting children. They work with communities and governments to tackle the root causes of poverty, as well as to address children’s immediate needs.

Wherever a humanitarian emergency hits, UNICEF is already there. We have one of the largest supply networks in the world. This means we can deliver essential supplies like life-saving vaccines, mosquito nets and vitamin A capsules to help children. We can rapidly dispatch to wherever they’re needed by land, sea or air.

We’re always striving to find new, more effective ways of protecting and promoting children’s rights. We develop simple, affordable and innovative solutions to complicated problems.

The UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) raises funds for UNICEF’s emergency and development work for children. We also promote and protect children’s rights in the UK and internationally. We are a UK charity, entirely funded by supporters like you.

We also receive money from organisations, including our corporate partners, charitable trusts and foundations and other grant-making bodies.