Search results for responsive bottle feeding

Mandarin resources

These Mandarin infosheets on breastfeeding and bottle feeding can be used to support parents with feeding and responding to their baby. 

page. Mandarin resources

Lithuanian resources

These Lithuanian infosheets on breastfeeding and bottle feeding can be used to support parents with feeding and responding to their baby. 

page. Lithuanian resources

Hindi resources

These Hindi infosheets on breastfeeding and bottle feeding can be used to support parents with feeding and responding to their baby. 

page. Hindi resources

Ukrainian resources

These Ukrainian infosheets on breastfeeding and bottle feeding can be used to support parents feeding and responding to their baby. 

page. Ukrainian resources

Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly in Wales

Findings from the Becoming Breastfeeding-Friendly process in Wales highlight positive policy for infant feeding, including Baby Friendly.

post. Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly in Wales

Case study: Breastfeeding and climate change

Explore the environmental impacts of infant feeding with Baby Friendly Annual Conference speaker Sally Goodwin-Mills.

post. Case study: Breastfeeding and climate change

Guest blog by Emma Pickett: Time to make a fuss about breastfeeding

Emma Pickett highlights the inconsistencies in infant feeding service provision across the UK, and urges readers to speak out for national leadership on infant feeding to better support health professionals, mothers, their babies and families.

post. Guest blog by Emma Pickett: Time to make a fuss about breastfeeding

Urdu resources

These Urdu infosheets on breastfeeding and bottle feeding use straightforward language and simple illustrations to aid understanding.

page. Urdu resources

Maternal Health Research: Meta-analyses

These studies explore the wide-reaching, long-term impact of breastfeeding on maternal health

page. Maternal Health Research: Meta-analyses

Access Ukrainian translations & statement

Baby Friendly resources are now available in Ukrainian, along with a statement by UNICEF, the GNC and Partners on maternal and child nutrition.

post. Access Ukrainian translations & statement