Baby Friendly Initiative Courses

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Our courses support health professionals involved in the care of mothers and babies to develop the skills and knowledge required to implement best practice.

2024 courses

Courses are delivered remotely on Microsoft Teams. Please ensure you consider your technical setup before you book onto the course and refer to the participant’s pack for more guidance. For some courses there will be an e-learning component to complete prior to the taught course days, and you should also plan time for this.

Our next available course dates are listed below – if you are waiting for more course dates, please do check back on this page weekly for further updates.

Breastfeeding and Relationship Building (£500 per person)

  • 4-5 September 2024 (FULLY BOOKED)
  • 10-11 October 2024
  • Further dates to be announced

Breastfeeding and Relationship Building for University Lecturers (£530 per person)

  • 23-24 October 2024
  • Further dates to be announced

Embedding Baby Friendly Standards in Neonatal Care (£500 per person)

  • 7-8 August 2024 (FULLY BOOKED)
  • 23-24 October 2024
  • Further dates to be announced

Achieving Sustainability Workshop (£290 per person)

  • 3 October 2024 (FULLY BOOKED)
  • Further dates to be announced, with the next workshop taking place in 2025.


To book a place, please download and complete the courses booking form, clearly stating the dates of the course you wish to book onto. Although this page will be updated regularly, please note that our training courses are in high demand and book up quickly. Therefore we strongly suggest filling in the form and sending back as soon as possible, with payment details to follow.

For our Train the Trainer or Five-day Training for Maternity and Health Visiting Infant Feeding Leads courses, please email us at [email protected] to be added to the notification lists. We are currently only offering available training dates to those who have already shown interest via our notification list, so the dates will not be published here. Please do not complete a booking form for these courses until you have been contacted with available dates.

Further information on the Infant Feeding and Relationship Building for Perinatal Mental Health staff course will be provided in early 2025.

Our courses are designed for health professionals working in the UK healthcare system and we unable to take bookings from international attendees. Instead we recommend looking at  availability for our conferences which are open to anyone.

In-house courses

If you would like us to teach a course to a group of your staff (in-house course), please email us.

Our courses are designed for health professionals working in the UK healthcare system. On occasion we can accept international attendees – if you are not UK-based but would like to enquire about attending a training session, please contact us with details of the course you are interested in and we will assess your suitability. We do invite international delegates to attend our conferences.

Breastfeeding and relationship building courses

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Embedding Baby Friendly standards in neonatal care course

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Five-Day Training for Maternity & Health Visiting Infant Feeding Leads

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Infant feeding and relationship building - A course for those working in perinatal and infant mental health services

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Workshop for Experienced Trainers

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