This course supports services to implement the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative Achieving Sustainability standards in order to embed high-quality care for the long term.
The Achieving Sustainability one-day workshop explores the four key standards (Leadership, Culture, Monitoring and Progression) in detail and considers how to engage the roles and responsibilities of both the management team and the Guardian. Staff members who have a key role in implementing the Baby Friendly standards will find this course particularly useful.
Throughout the course participants will receive training materials to use with managers and will learn about the value of the Baby Friendly standards for improving the health and wellbeing of babies, their mothers and families. In-depth discussion will include how to create and support a positive culture across the service and how to monitor progress. Tools to support more effective working, time management and analysis of everyday challenges will be used throughout the day in this fun, interactive course which is suitable for services at any stage in the Baby Friendly process, from certificate of commitment to full accreditation.
Courses are delivered via Microsoft Teams. Please see our courses page for important information on course availability and booking. For any queries, please contact the Baby Friendly office at [email protected]
Find out more with our infosheet: Should we go for the Gold Award? A Guide for Services Preparing for Re-assessment and our Achieving Sustainability gudiance document.