Train the Trainer provides participants with guidance and ideas on how to deliver effective in-house training to their staff group, including a comprehensive package of training materials to use in their own service.
Most healthcare trusts find that they need to provide training in infant feeding and relationship building for their staff so that they can provide the standard of care expected in Baby Friendly facilities. Effective training is a key component to enable successful implementation of best practice standards. However, many health professionals who are given responsibility for training may not have the time or experience to develop and deliver a comprehensive training package.
Train the Trainer aims to support participants to deliver effective in-house training to their staff group. Participants will gain an understanding of how people learn and what factors need to be taken into account when implementing a programme of training. They will explore basic teaching strategies and consider how these can be applied to the teaching of key topics relevant to Baby Friendly practice. All participants will be required to deliver a short presentation which will be peer evaluated as part of the course.
Participants who have attended the course will receive a package of training materials which cover all essential topics. Each topic will include aims and learning outcomes, sample lesson plans, ideas for how to teach each session, and PowerPoint presentations with accompanying notes pages. The package has recently been updated, including new information on a range of topics such as the microbiome and epigenetics, as well as new games and activities to use in-house.
Who is the course for?
The Train the Trainer course is provided for those staff who have been identified as Baby Friendly trainers within the workplace, i.e. who have been given ring-fenced time to provide classroom training as part of the Trust education programme. It is essential that participants have previously completed pre-requisite training: either our Breastfeeding and Relationship Building course for maternity, health visiting or children’s centre staff, or the Embedding Baby Friendly standards in neonatal care course. Train the Trainer is available as an open or in-trust course.
Open courses
Courses are delivered via Microsoft Teams, and the 2024 price is £730. For any queries, please contact the Baby Friendly office at [email protected]
In-house courses
In-house courses are the most economical way of accessing these sessions. Virtual training can be provided for up to 12 staff members.
Please email us at [email protected] to be added to the waiting list. We are currently only offering available training dates to those who have already shown interest on our waiting list, so the dates will not be published here. Please do not complete a booking form until you have been contacted with available dates
Please note that the package of materials that participants receive during the course has been produced by the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative on the understanding that the person who has attended the Train the Trainer course will deliver it at in-house sessions as part of their organisation’s education programme for staff. It is not to be referred to as UNICEF/Baby Friendly training and staff members who have attended the course are not to be referred to as UNICEF/Baby Friendly trained. The images included are only to be used in the presentations provided and must not be reproduced in other materials.