January 2023 Update

A New Programme Director | Training Dates | Schools Challenge

Home > January Update 2023

Now that all schools are back this week we would like to wish a very Happy New Year to you all.

We know many of you will have ambitions around progressing to the next stage of the Award this year. If this sounds like your school, be sure to book your assessment early by contacting your Professional Adviser.

This January we welcome Martin Russell to the position of Interim Programme Director, following Frances moving on to Interim Director of Programmes for UNICEF UK at the end of last year.

Martin has been an RRSA Senior Professional Adviser for over 10 years, working primarily in the North West of England but also with schools across the UK. Prior to that Martin has enjoyed a long career within secondary education. He brings a broad body of experience to the role and is well placed to guide the programme through the next year and beyond. Schools in the North West can still contact Martin for support regarding their work.

  • Article of the Week – This week we explore Articles 7 & 8 which deals with several essential aspects of identity. Download now.
  • Save the Date – After the success of our first online conference last year RRSA will be holding a second conference on Thursday 5 October, World Teacher’s Day, this year. Please save the date and watch this space for more information.
  • Training Dates for 2023 – 2023 Take a look at our Eventbrite page for training dates in February and beyond. Read more.
  • Schools Challenge is Back! – We’re calling on all RRSA schools to join the team and join the Soccer Aid Schools Challenge 2023. For more information, please visit our website or email us.

We hope that you have enjoyed a restful break and we look forward to working with you to make real change for young people through children’s rights in 2023.



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