Learning outcomes for medical students

E-learning and Guidance document

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Our learning outcomes for medical students are intended to set a standard for the level of knowledge and understanding of infant feeding that could be reasonably expected of a newly qualified doctor.

The guidance document below introduces the learning outcomes and makes suggestions for how these can be incorporated into medical students’ undergraduate curricula. While there are no plans to provide full assessment and accreditation for these courses at this time, it is hoped that the learning outcomes will provide a stimulus to universities to start to consider what should be covered in relevant curricula and then to take action to make that a reality.

New online module for medical students

To help you achieve this, we have introduced a new introductory online module for first-year medical students in collaboration with the University of Glasgow and Future Learn. The online module is now open – access course here.

I am a retired midwife and Lactation Consultant and when I was looking for a new course to do, I saw this one. A trip down memory lane for me. I hope many medical students will do this course and I also hope that in their training they will learn more about breastfeeding than the junior doctors I used to work with did. I have seen many mums who had been to their GP for advice just to be told to bottle feed. Thank goodness my hospital had a breastfeeding clinic where the mums could go.

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