Implementing Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly in Scotland

Scaling up breastfeeding support in the UK

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Findings from the Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly process in Scotland highlight positive policy for infant feeding, including the Baby Friendly Initiative 

A review on behalf of the Scottish Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly committee reveals the nation’s strong political commitment and scaling-up environment for the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding, evidenced by its effective leadership, strong infant feeding policies, and investment in the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative.

Key messages from the report include:

  • Scotland has a strong scaling-up environment for the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding as assessed by the Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly process;
  • The Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly process is a helpful tool that led to specific recommendations that together have the potential to improve the rates and experiences of breastfeeding in Scotland;
  • Scotland has a strong political commitment to breastfeeding evidenced by effective leadership, strong policies and significant investment and this needs to be sustained;
  • Further co-ordination of breastfeeding activities and messages between government, health services and the third sector is needed;
  • A supportive environment of breastfeeding women returning to work could be enhanced through employer guidelines and increasing women’s awareness of their rights.

To support existing policies and overcome challenges which remain in Scotland, including low breastfeeding rates and socioeconomic and regional inequalities, the committee outlined three key recommendations on:

  1. Maintaining effective leadership, strong policies and significant investment in supporting breastfeeding
  2. Strengthening and coordinating breastfeeding messages between government, health services and the third sector; and
  3. Promoting a supportive return to work environment.

It is positive to note that findings from the Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly process in Scotland support implementation of the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative, sharing:

Investment by the government in 100% coverage of the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative signifies a robust political and financial commitment to breastfeeding in Scotland.

Access the full report Implementing the Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly initiative in Scotland (January 2022) here.


The Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly project

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