Registration form

Become RRSA member

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Fill in the below form to register your school with the Rights Respecting Schools Award.

The Rights Respecting Schools Award is a membership based programme where schools pay via annual direct debit. The annual fee is linked to the number of pupils in your school at the date of your sign up and it reduces after Gold Award is achieved so, the more progress you make, the less you pay. Read more about our costs. The Rights Respecting Schools Award does not make a profit – our charges simply seek to cover the costs of running the programme.

You will need to know your school’s bank details when filling out this form. Once you submit the form, you will receive an Advance Notification Letter and we will take the first payment after the 14-day notice period. Once your direct debit has been set up, you will receive an email with details on how to access your membership benefits.

If your school is in London, Jersey, Guernsey, Manchester, Cardiff or Scotland, make sure to tick this option when filling out the below form.

You won’t be asked for your bank details as you don’t need to pay the annual fee thanks to support from your governments or local authority.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].