E-learning for paediatricians

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Our user friendly e-learning platform enables users to work at their own pace while gaining a strong foundation of knowledge around supporting infant feeding and parent-infant relationship building.

If you are already registered in the system, visit https://babyfriendly.litmos.com to login.

The course is split into modules, allowing learners to pause and resume where they left off. The course provides CPD points for the paediatrician.

Following completion, paediatricians should know:

  • The importance of breastmilk and breastfeeding
  • Supporting breastfeeding on the postnatal ward and neonatal unit
  • How breastfeeding works
  • Managing common conditions such as hypoglycaemia, jaundice and weight loss.

When you subscribe to this training package, you will be able to assign administrative level access as you require. These staff members will be able to track colleagues’ progress with the package and manage users. You will also be given a self sign-up code to help users register directly. Upon completion of the training, paediatricians can print off a certificate for their portfolio.

Costs and booking

Order using the Baby Friendly digital resources order form, which you can download from our Resources page.

The online training package is available to purchase in three different models depending on the number of births in your area. Facilities will purchase a licence to access the package for one year. There is no restriction on how many staff in your hospital can use the package, so it could be used by any staff – neonatal practitioners, paediatric ward staff, midwives, students – that you thought it would be useful to share the training with. Renewals for subsequent years will be cheaper than the first year.

  • 0 – 2,000 births per year: £600 for the first year, £400 for each additional year
  • 2,000 – 5,000 births per year: £850 per year, £575 for each additional year
  • 5,000+ births per year: £1,100 per year, £700 for each additional year.

Contact the Baby Friendly office if you are looking to purchase the package for several hospitals as part of a Trust or Health Board, and would like a 24 hour demo of the package.

Browse the images below to see parts of the package. 

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Breastfeeding and relationship building workbook

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