Creating a local RRSA network

Guidance and presentation template

Introduce schools in your area to the Rights Respecting Schools Award.

As a Gold Rights Respecting School lead or headteacher, this resource is designed to help you take on an ambassadorial role by introducing the RRSA to schools in your area and get more schools onboard.

You could use it at a local school cluster meeting, during a headteacher meeting, or even approach schools directly to introduce them to the RRSA.

The resource is aimed at adults and has been designed so that you can edit and adapt it according to your school context and experiences. You can also add any extra information that you think is important for schools in your area to know.

You could use this as an opportunity to mentor new schools on their Rights Respecting journey, or build a Rights Respecting network in your area to support each other and share good practice.

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