It is a good idea to register your intention of working towards Baby Friendly accreditation with UNICEF UK if your service has not already done so. This allows us to keep relevant staff up to date with the latest news and information.

Registering intent is easy to do. Just download and complete the Register of Intent form on this page and submit to the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative office. We will keep details of your facility and your intent to register on our system. Please refer to our Guide to the Baby Friendly standards for more information on our practices.

Next steps

Staff may also wish to sign up to our e-mailings in order to be updated on relevant news and research into breastfeeding and the Baby Friendly Initiative. This is particularly valuable for staff who are responsible for educating staff and implementing the standards in clinical areas. You may also want to consider undertaking a Baby Friendly course to help attain the high standard of practice required in Baby Friendly healthcare facilities

Once you have filled in the register of intent, you may wish to book a planning meeting by emailing [email protected]. This is an optional service, and you may wish to proceed directly to a Stage 1 assessment.

Next steps

Guide to the Baby Friendly Standards

Read more