A mother holds her newborn infant on the neonatal unit.

Neonatal unit guidance

Implementing the standards

Home > Baby Friendly Resources > Implementing Baby Friendly standards resources > Neonatal unit guidance: implementing the standards

This resource provides in-depth guidance on the Baby Friendly neonatal standards and how to achieve Baby Friendly accreditation.

Free to download and print, and with a foreword by Martin Ward Platt (consultant paediatrician, neonatal medicine), this comprehensive document provides a roadmap for the journey towards accreditation, as well as tips, ideas and case studies. It is intended to be read alongside our accreditation pages and the Baby Friendly Initiative guide to the standards, both of which explain the assessment process in detail.

The neonatal guidance document is just one of the resources available to support neonatal units. Here is the full list:

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Going Baby Friendly: Maternity, Neonatal, Community & Hospital-Based Children's Services

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