
Stage 3: Parents' experiences of health visiting services

Achieving Stage 3 of accreditation is the final step in becoming Baby Friendly. At this Stage, the care mothers and babies have received will be assessed, with the following standards needing to be met.


  1. Support pregnant women to recognise the importance of breastfeeding and early relationships for the health and wellbeing of their baby.
  2. Enable mothers to continue breastfeeding for as long as they wish.
  3. Support mothers to make informed decisions regarding the introduction of food or fluids other than breastmilk.
  4. Support parents to have a close and loving relationship with their baby.


Resources to help you meet the standards

More detailed information on how to meet the standards is in our Guide to the Baby Friendly Initiative standards. The following materials will also be helpful in implementing the standards for Stage 3.

How we will assess the standards

Once internal audit results indicate that the standards are being achieved, the Stage 3 assessment can take place. This involves Baby Friendly assessors visiting your facility and listening to mothers’ experiences of the care they have received.