Working together to create a sustainable, safe and clean environment for children

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Why we’re working together

Formula E and UNICEF work in partnership to create a sustainable, safe and clean environment for children.  The partnership builds on the success of the 2020 collaboration between Formula E and UNICEF focused on protecting vulnerable children and families affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

Formula E is supporting UNICEF’s Safe and Healthy Environment Fund to generate further funding around the world to contribute to a wide range of programmes some of which include turning plastic waste into schools, installing solar panels at places such as schools, and training local manufacturers to make eco cooking stoves. Highlights from 2020 include,
• helping over 750,000 children and young people participate in, or lead, offline and online civic initiatives.
• delivering climate-resilient services to over 6 million people.
• implementing air pollution response programmes in nine countries, including China and Indonesia.
• supporting health-related interventions on climate change and environmental pollution in 57 countries.

What we’re doing

Children are worst affected but the least responsible for climate change. Formula E, like UNICEF, want to accelerate positive change around the world, to ensure children and young people grow up on a cleaner, safer planet.

The UNICEF Safe and Healthy Environment fund delivers environmental programmes and policy actions for children and is anchored around 4 pillars:

  1. Make children a focus of environmental strategies
  2. Empower children as agents of change
  3. Protect children from impacts
  4. Reduce emissions and pollution

The funding from Formula E will contribute to programmes that turn plastic waste into schools, install solar panels at places such as schools, and trains local manufacturers to make eco cooking stoves.

Children and young people can play a key role in addressing climate-related risks by promoting environmentally sustainable lifestyles and setting an example for their communities. Working together, Formula E and UNICEF elevate the voices of young people to protect the future of our planet. As part of this partnership, Formula E is helping UNICEF raise awareness through dedicated activations and communications campaigns. Through these campaigns, the partners elevate children’s voices in the issues that matter to them the most.

A global generation of children will grow up in a world made far more dangerous and uncertain as a result of a changing climate and degrading environment. Nearly 160 million live in areas of high or extremely high drought severity, over half a billion in high or extremely high flood occurrence zones and an estimated two billion in areas where air pollution levels exceed standards set by the World Health Organization – causing them to breathe toxic air and putting their health and brain development at risk.

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What we will achieve

Formula E and UNICEF have launched a three year partnership in 2021 to help children through UNICEF’s Safe and Healthy Environment Fund. The funding from Formula E will contribute to programmes and policy actions to improve the wellbeing of over three million children.

The partnership, in three years, will contribute to improving the wellbeing of 3 million children worldwide.

Working together, Formula E and UNICEF will elevate the voices of young people to protect the future of our planet.

We are delighted to initiate a long-term partnership with UNICEF’s Safe and Healthy Environment Fund. This collaboration is true to our founding promise to use our sport to counteract climate change. Together, we aim to improve the lives of millions of children and young people worldwide by offering new educational opportunities and reducing their exposure to air pollution. We are committed to tackling the effects of climate change and enable better futures for generations to come and are proud to partner with UNICEF on this journey.
Jamie Reigle, Chief Executive Officer of Formula E