
The benefits of a child-centred approach to climate change adaptation

Climate change, and its impacts on natural and human resources, threatens to undermine human development across the globe. Without concerted action, millions of children will be at increased risk from infectious disease, malnutrition, water scarcity, disasters, and the collapse of public services and infrastructure.

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Happy Birthday, Dear Happy

Author Andrew O’Hagan visited Namasimba Child Centre in Malawi. Happy Birthday, Dear Happy is a fictional story inspired by the children he met.

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Climate Change in Kenya: Focus on Children

UNICEF UK and UNICEF Kenya have produced this case study to highlight the specific challenges for children related to climate change in Kenya; bringing climate models to life with stories from children in different regions.

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A brighter tomorrow: climate change and intergenerational justice

We know that today’s adult generation will determine, on an unprecedented scale, the world that later generations will inherit. But are we taking this responsibility seriously? This paper discusses emerging thinking on this issue.

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Climate Change, Child Rights and Intergenerational Justice

This briefing shows how a child rights approach to climate change would take the concerns of intergenerational justice into account and radically transform the policies and commitments of those in power.

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