Full report: Children and the changing climate
This collection of case studies offers a snapshot of recent or ongoing initiatives to protect children from the danger of climate change around the world.
Keeping children safe in emergencies
This policy report sets how the UK Government can change how it responds in emergencies to protect children from violence.
Unicef UK Annual Report 2014
Our 2014 Trustees' Report provides detailed information UNICEF UK's work for children in 2014, when supporters helped us raise a record £93.7 million.
A global partnership to end violence
A new report from the NYU Center on International Cooperation makes the case for a global partnership to end violence against children.
Climate change, violence and young people
Climate change could increase the risk of worsening violence and conflict on children around the world. This Unicef UK commissioned report is co-authored by the Institute for Strategic Studies and International Alert.
State of the World's Children 2014
As the world marks 25 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, The State of the World’s Children calls for brave and fresh thinking to address age-old problems that still affect the most disadvantaged children.
Violence report
Every five minutes a child dies as the result of violence, according to a ground-breaking report from Unicef UK.
Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake on the situation in Gaza
Statement from UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake on the situation for children in Gaza.
The costs and benefits of guardianship for unaccompanied and separated migrant children
This new report from UNICEF UK and The Children's Society assesses the costs and financial benefits of establishing a legal guardianship service to protect and support unaccompanied and separated migrant children.
Unicef UK Annual Report 2013
The UNICEF 2013 Trustees' Report gives a detailed account of UNICEF UK's work for children in 2013.
UNICEF welcomes UK Government's report on Child Rights Convention Optional Protocol
UNICEF UK welcomes a report released by the UK Government on an Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The indicative costs and efficiencies of guardianship
This briefing by UNICEF UK and The Children's Society looks at the cost implications for developing a system of legal guardianship within England and Wales.
Protecting children from trafficking through guardianship
Legal guardians could help protect separated migrant children in the UK, advocate for their rights and keep them safe from the dangers of trafficking.
Climate change: children's challenge
The evidence in this report is clear. Climate change is already having an effect on children's lives. Find out how you can help.
Unicef UK Annual Report 2012
The UNICEF 2012 Trustees' Report gives a detailed account of UNICEF UK's work for children in 2012.
The State of the World's Children 2013: Children with disabilities
Children with disabilities and their communities would both benefit if society focused on what those children can achieve, rather than what they cannot do, according to UNICEF’s annual State of the World’s Children’s report.
The Well-Being of Children: Short Version of the Report for Young People in the UK
Our latest report looks at child well-being in the world’s richest countries - including the UK. We look at issues that matter.
Climate change, food systems and children: a case for greater action
This briefing highlights the detrimental impact of climate change on the food system and the serious threat this poses for children and future generations, especially in low income countries.
Written evidence to the Children and Families Bill
UNICEF UK gives written evidence to the Children and Families Bill.
A post-2015 world fit for children: the role of business
For over a decade, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have been the benchmark by which development progress has been judged. A global conversation is underway about what should happen "post-2015". This provides governments, businesses and civil society with a unique opportunity to create meaningful and effective partnerships to support children’s rights. This briefing highlights the critical role that businesses play in creating a world fit for children.