
Working with Unicef to improve body confidence and self-esteem

Why we’re working together

Unicef and Dove are partnering to build self-esteem and body confidence in 10 million young people in Brazil, India, and Indonesia by 2022.

“Young people are some of the world’s best advocates, creators, and thinkers. Yet, feelings of disempowerment, low self-esteem, and a lack of confidence too often prevent them from speaking out, standing up for what they believe in and reaching their full potential,” – Unicef Executive Director Henrietta Fore.

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What we’re doing

The partnership will see Dove and Unicef adapt modules on self-esteem and body confidence from the Dove Self-Esteem Project and include them in Unicef programmes that teach young people essential life skills.

These modules will be included within Unicef’s existing life-skills programmes for young people in Brazil, India, and Indonesia, so that they can learn about their rights to things like education and healthcare, as well growing their self-confidence.

We’re addressing the issue

Our new partnership with Dove brings together the specialised skills, experience, and resources of two world-leading organisations. Unicef, the world’s leading children’s organisation, joins with the Dove Self Esteem Project, the largest provider of self-esteem and body confidence education in the world.


The Dove Self Esteem Project has reached 60 million young people and we are very happy to be partnering with UNICEF to empower 10 million more young people, especially girls. Issues with self-esteem and body confidence can have serious implications for girls’ development; so it is critical that we work to address them, and help girls become the leaders of tomorrow.
Alan Jope, CEO of Unilever, Dove's parent company

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