Ewan McGregor followed a Unicef cold chain to find out how we get vaccines to children living in some of the world’s most remote communities

The journey of a vaccine

Ewan McGregor's cold chain mission

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Back in 2011, our ambassador Ewan McGregor travelled with UNICEF health workers to some of the remotest communities in India, Nepal and the Congo to find out how we get vaccines to the world’s hardest-to-reach children. We call our supply chains “cold chains” because vaccines need to be kept refrigerated at all times. But in order to get there, they need to travel by air, boat and on foot first.

Check out the pictures below to follow Ewan on his “cold chain mission” to get vaccines to where they’re most needed:


Ewan McGregor followed one of our cold chains to find out how we get vaccines to children living in some of the world’s most remote communities…
The journey starts in our supply warehouse. We call our supply chains ‘cold chains’ because vaccines need to be kept refrigerated at all times. But they don’t stay in the fridge for long.
We travel by air, boat and land to get vaccines to where they’re most needed.
And sometimes this can even mean trekking on foot. The cold box you can see here keeps vaccines between 2-8°C when we’re travelling through tropical areas, like jungles.
We vaccinate 40% of the world’s children – but we can only reach them because of people like you. Thank you so much for your support.
Ewan McGregor followed one of our cold chains to find out how we get vaccines to children living in some of the world’s most remote communities…
The journey starts in our supply warehouse. We call our supply chains ‘cold chains’ because vaccines need to be kept refrigerated at all times. But they don’t stay in the fridge for long.
We travel by air, boat and land to get vaccines to where they’re most needed.
And sometimes this can even mean trekking on foot. The cold box you can see here keeps vaccines between 2-8°C when we’re travelling through tropical areas, like jungles.
We vaccinate 40% of the world’s children – but we can only reach them because of people like you. Thank you so much for your support.

UNICEF teams are working round the clock on cold chain missions like these to make sure that even the hardest-to-reach children receive life-saving vaccinations.

But we couldn’t do any of it without your support. Make a regular donation today so that we can continue to keep more children safe with vaccinations.

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All photos: UNICEF/Modola

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Ewan McGregor OBE, UNICEF UK Ambassador

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